music music music what else am i about?


Ah this blogging shit is frustrating as all hell, they should've just left the editing alone...normal ol html style. I can't fuck with it if it's this hard to figure out.

-Lot's of things going down today, tons of shows, Esthero(damn)/Kudu/Mu/The Juan Mclean/Upright..., and the rest that i will miss, mainly because i'm sick of the lirr's trains. Just the feeling of being inside them while traveling alone going to meet noone, it's gets real boring and empty if i do it too often.

I guess i'll be back in action and traveling come Saturday...Long Island City! ha, or i'll be stuck out here at a block party...i can't stand standing outside unless it's at a beach or a concert.

Either way i do believe i will be nat capping the day off in (What's it's ville stead's) Dizzy Li...
Eh huh - ask about it know about it come along.

What's going down in the LIC:

MUSIC: Noise/Art PunkLightning Bolt w/ Afrirampo, USAISAMONSTER, Free Blood, Eloe Omoe, and Japanther
when: Sat 7.23 (3pm)

where: SE Corner of Jackson Ave & Queens Blvd / 28-10 Queens Plaza LIC
Queens7/N/W to Queensboro Plaza or E/G/R to Queens Plaza...I like taking the G
price: $10

I'm interested in seeing
Lightning Bolt
Free Blood
John XI Pugh & Gorman from !!! (aka Chk Chk Chk) + their friend Mattie= a new super trashy bass and beats white fur funk pop outfit. Coedthree piece, “bass, busted synth, male/female vocals.

Check out
For more info and audio...Loud & Fast & Noise = terrifical

Oh yea and Mu at Ps1...i think i'm going to skip this one after all. Gus Gus is coming up soon though.

ABC NO this shit, It looks good i'll have to drop in one day this summer
It's already mid July!!!! i'm trying to get in more park concerts. Besides M.I.A in August.

El Radio ... courtesy of 7

DHL labels 1239, the max is 50 which kind of sucks since i could eat through those pretty fast.
But what the hell it's free.

Stiffed in August...looks good to me, indeed.

al fin


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7:40 AM


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